Stefan Andrushenko (BSc University of Guelph)
- Initial developer of GUAPX_Win as research assistant
- APXS experimental set-up, development and simulation programming
- Now a Systems Analyst in food distribution industry
Patrick Bonnick (BSc University of Guelph, PhD Dalhousie)
- Extension of the GUPIX database as summer scholar
- PDF at University of Waterloo
- Now working at the Toyota Research Institute of North America as a Battery Research Scientist
Nick Boyd (BSc, MSc University of Guelph)
- Post-BSc research assistant: Primary developer of GUI for GUPIXWIN V1.2-V2.4
- Now APXS Operations Manager, University of Guelph
Willy Brown-Bury (MSc University of Guelph)
- Refinement of the Monte Carlo photon scatter code as diagnostic for water in Martian soils and rocks
- Refinement of the GUAPX spectrum fitting code through a physics-based treatment of the Compton scatter feature
- Now a high school Physics Teacher
Daniel Cureatz (BSc, MSc University of Guelph)
- Refinement of the GUPIX Treatment of Multiple Ionization Satellites and Detector Non-linearity
Erin Flannigan (BSc, MSc University of Guelph)
- Design, construction and calibration of accelerator-based PIXE system for smulating Mars rover APXS
- Mineral phase effects in PIXE measurements of element concentrations terrestrial geostandards and equivalents of high-alkali Martian rocks
- Research assistant, PIXE group, University of Guelph
- Now a PhD student in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at University of Ottawa
Brianna Ganly (BSc, PhD University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Visiting PhD student from Australia in summers of 2015 and 2016
- Worked on non-linear effects in silicon drift detectors
- Staff scientist at CSIRO, Sydney, Australia
Chris Heirwegh (PhD and PDF University of Guelph)
- Fundamental physics underlying PIXE analysis: fluorescence yields, multiple ionization satellites
- Non-linearity in Si-based x-ray detectors
- Now Staff scientist at Cal. Tech. and member of PIXL instrument team on NASA Mars 2020 mission
Natasha Holmes (BSc, MSc University of Guelph)
- Summer scholar: Underlying physics of the APXS
- Now assisstant professor of Physics at Cornell University
Theo Hopman (PhD University of Guelph)
- Monte Carlo modeling of X-ray detector response function
- Dedicated monochromator for detector response studies
- Diagnosis of geometric properties of X-ray detectors
- Science teacher
Brian Jones (PhD University of Surrey)
- Studies of the Cambridge Scientific Digital processor
- L subshell ionization, fluorescence and Coster-Kronig yields
- APXS development and data analysis
- Now Head of Accelerator Facility, KVI Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, University of Groningen , Netherlands
May Lee (BSc, MSc University of Guelph)
- Monte Carlo photon scatter code for quantitative determination of water in Martian soils and rocks
- Now in the insurance industry
Christiane Mallett (BSc University of Guelph, MSc, PhD at University of Western Ontario)
- Monte Carlo simulation of the scatter components in APXS spectra for water determination on Martian surface
- Now Research Associate, Dept. of Radiology, Michigan State University.
Emily Neild (BSc Trent University)
- NSERC summer scholar for 3 years
- Data analysis for Mars Science Lab APXS Team
- Now graduate student, University of Tennessee
Zdenek Nejedly (PhD Czech Technical University)
- Automated aerosol analysis by PIXE, LIPM and forward scatter
- Software for PIXE data accumulation and batch analysis
- Software for accelerator and radiation monitoring
- Provision of micro-PIXE and PIXE analyses to collaborators of the GPG
- Now systems analyst with Computing and Communication Services , U of Guelph
Melissa Omand (BSc University of Guelph, PhD Scripps Institute of Oceanography)
- Post-BSc research assistant: Mars Exploration Rover: Monte Carlo simulation of X-ray yield vs. concentration relationships.
- Now faculty member, Graduate School of Physical Oceanographer, University of Rhode Island
Renato Pardo (MSc University of Guelph)
- Spectrum fitting accuracy issues in application of GUAPX code to APXS calibration spectra
- Now PhD student in Geography, University of Guelph
Glynis Perrett (BSc, PhD University of Guelph)
- Calibration of the Mars Science Laboratory APXS using the GUAPX-Win code
- Re-calibration of the scatter ratio method for determination of mineralogically bound water in the Martian regolith
- Subsequently Research Associate in Mars Exploration Rover team at Cornell University
Leanne Sargent (BSc, MSc University of Guelph)
- Extension and application of the PIXE system for emulation of the Mars APXS
Stehanne Taylor (BSc, MSc University of Guelph, PhD McGill)
- Post-MSc research assistant
- Calibration of the APXS for analysis of Martian rocks and soils
- Monte Carlo computation of X-ray detector efficiency
- Now staff scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Halifax
Dave Thomson (MSc University of Guelph)
- Monte Carlo code to predict X-ray yields from the Mars science Laboratory APXS
- Now Instructor at Conestoga College
Mike Vormwald (BSc University of Guelph)
- Development of GUPIXWIN V1.1: graphics; output; batch mode
Alanna Weatherstone (BSc University of Guelph)
- Post-BSc research assisstant
- Development of GUPIXWIN V1.1: C++ coding; screen design; data input