Nuclear Alumni
Post-Doctoral Fellows
- Dr. Leyla Atar (-2019)
- Dr. Fuad Ali (-2018)
- Dr. Ermal Rrapaj (11/2016 - 9/2018)
Nuclear Astrophysics and pairing in heavy nuclei - Dr. Ali Kilic (9/2016 - 12/2017)
Development of a gas target and silicon tracker array for ISAC-II
Present Position: University of Ankara, Turkey - Dr. Bruno Olaizola Mampaso (9/2014 - 10/2016)
Development of LaBr detectors for GRIFFIN and the structure of 98Zr
Present Position: TRIUMF, Vancouver, British Columbia - Dr. Baharak Hadinia (10/2010 - 10/2014)
In-Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Above The High-Spin Isomeric State in 155Lu.
Present Position: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario - Dr. Laura Bianco (03/2009 - 12/2011)
Development of DESCANT (DEuterated SCintillator Array for Neutron Tagging) and Structure of 150Sm.
Present Position: Researcher, DESY, Hamburg, Germany - Dr. Chandana Sumithrarachchi (07/2007 - 10/2010)
Nuclear structure of the N=90 region and data acquisition systems of the DESCANT detectors
Present Position: Beam Physicist, National Superconducting Cyclotron Lab (NSCL), Michigan, USA - Dr. Smarajit Triambak (07/2007 - 08/2008)
Rn Electric Dipole Moment Search
Present Position: Professor, University of the Western Cape, South Africa - Dr. Dipa Bandyopadhyay (2005-2006)
TIGRESS Highly-Segmented HPGe Clover Detectors
Present Position: Staff Scientist, BARC, Mumbai, India - Dr. Jose Javier Valiente-Dobon (2004-2005)
Lifetime Measurements and Band Termination in 74,76Kr
Present Position: Research Scientist, INFN, Legnaro, Italy - Dr. Corina Andreoiu (2003-2005)
High-Spin States in N=Z 72Kr
Present Position: Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
PhD Students
- Georgios Palkanoglou (2023)
Pairing in nuclear and cold atomic systems - Harris Bidaman (2023)
Lifetime Analysis of 100Zr and Simulating the Detector Array for Energy Measurements Of Neutrons (DAEMON) - Eva Kasanda (2023)
A novel method of sub-milimeter range verification for hadron therapy using a tumour marker - Allison Radich (2023)
124Xe Angular Correlation Analysis and Development of the Detector Array for Energy Measurements Of Neutrons (DAEMON) - Matthew Buraczynski (2023)
Impurities and Inhomogeneities in Neutron Matter - Andrew MacLean (2021)
Spectroscopy of 188Hg Following the β+EC Decay of 188,188mTl - Ryan Dunlop (2012-2019)
β and β-delayed neutron decays of the N = 82 isotopes 128-130Cd and 131In studied with GRIFFIN - Badamsambuu Jimeddorj (2012-2019)
Nuclear Structure of 122Xe Studied via High-Statistics β+/EC Decay of 122Cs
Present Position: Applied Physicist, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario - Michelle Dunlop (2013-2018)
High-Precision Half-Life Measurements for the Superallowed Fermi β+ Emitters 10C and 22Mg
Present Position: Sessional, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario - Evan Rand (2012-2015)
Investigation of the E2 and E3 matrix elements in 200Hg using direct nuclear reactions
Present Position: Applied Physicist, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario - Alex Laffoley (2010-2015)
High-Precision Half-Life Measurements for the Superallowed Fermi β Emitters 14O and 18Ne
Present Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario - Kyle Leach (2008-2012)
Neutron Transfer Reactions on 64Zn as a Probe for Testing Shell-Model Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Theory
Present Position: Assistant Professor, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado - Paul Finlay (2007-2012)
High-Precision Half-Life and Branching Ratio Measurements for the Superallowed β+ Emitter 26Alm
Present Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium - Andrew Phillips (2005-2009)
Structure of 186,188Os Studied with (3He,d) Reactions
Present Position: Analyst, RBC, Guelph, Ontario - Michael Schumaker (2005-2009)
Coulomb Excitation Structure Studies of 21Ne, 20,21Na
Present Position: Research Associate, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario - Gwen Grinyer (2004-2007)
High-Precision Half-Life Measurements for Superallowed Fermi Beta Decays
Present Position: Assistant Professor, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan
MSc Students
- Sangeet-Pal Pannu (2024)
Searching for signatures of shape coexistence in 100 Ru - Zarin Ahmed (2024)
Developing The Detector Array for Energy Measurement of Neutrons (DAEMON) - Ryan Curry (2023)
Quantum Monte Carlo for Nuclear Physics: On and Off the Lattice - Samantha Buck (2023)
Investigation of States Populated in the 102Ru(p,t)100Ru Two Neutron Transfer Reaction - Devin Hymers (2022)
Experimental Validation of Filtered Interaction Vertex Imaging for Intra-Fraction Relative Range Verification in Heavy-Ion Therapy - Bernard Ross (2022)
Phenomenological theories for pairing and static response - Liam Schmidt (2022)
Resonant Neutrino Flavor Conversion In Post Merger Accretion Disk - Rajan Anderson-Dornan (2021)
Nucleonic Interaction and Neutrino Spectra in Neutron Star Merger Events - Samuel Martinello (2020)
Neutron matter with skyrme functionals in a periodic external field - Sally Valbuena Burbano (2020)
Nuclear Structure of 98RU Using Beta Decay - Bryn Knight (2017-2020)
Neutron capture rates for strongly interacting neutrons - Robin Coleman (2016-2019)
Beta Decay of Neutron-Rich 52K - Beau Greaves (2017-2019)
Investigation of High-Lying (alpha,gamma) Resonances in 22Ne through One-Neutron Transfer in Inverse Kinematics at TIGRESS - Erin McGee (2016-2019)
Searching for Shape Coexistence with 123Te(n,γ) Thermal Neutron Capture - Georgios Palkanoglou (2017-2019)
Approaching the Thermodynamic Limit in BCS Theory - William Dawkins (2016-2019)
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations: From Few to Many Species - Tammy Zidar (2015-2018)
Beta decay of neutron-rich 33Mg21 - Tash Zielinski (2015-2018)
Finite-Size Effects Within the 2D BEC-BCS Crossover - Mateusz Buraczynski (2015-2018)
Static Response of Neutron Matter - Tyson Schilbach (2016-2018)
Accretion Disk Contributions to the Diffuse Neutrino Background - Joseph Turko (2014-2017)
Detector Response Simulations of Hydrocarbon Neutron Scintillators - Harris Bidaman (2014-2017)
A study on low spin states in 154Gd using the (p, p'γ) reaction - Christina Burbadge (2014-2017)
Investigation of Excited 0+ States Populated in the 162Er(p,t) Reaction - Andrew MacLean (2013-2016)
γ-γ Angular Correlation Measurement With GRIFFIN - Alex Galea (2013-2015)
Diffusion Monte Carlo study of strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi gases - Allison Radich (2013-2015)
Nuclear structure of 124Xe studied with β+/EC-decay - Brendan Bulthuis (2013-2015)
Pairing Correlations in Heavy Nuclei Near the Proton Dripline - Drew Jamieson (2010-2013)
The nuclear structure of 112Cd studied through the 111Cd(d,p)112Cd single neutron transfer reaction - Alejandra Diaz Varela (2010-2013)
Nuclear Structure Investigation of 110Cd through Beta-Decay of 110In - Julian Michetti-Wilson (2010-2013)
Characterization of LaBr3(Ce) Detectors for Picosecond Lifetime Measurements - Badamsambuu Jigmeddorj (2010-2012)
Nuclear Structure Study of Cd-110 through Internal Conversion Electrons - Ryan Dunlop (2010-2012)
High-Precision Branching Ratio Measurement for the Superallowed β+ Emitter 74Rb - Sophie Chagnon-Lessard (2009-2012)
Structure of 152Sm studied with (d,d') reactions in search of a tetrahedral symmetry signature - Evan Rand (2009-2011)
Geant4 Simulations for the Radon Electric Dipole Moment Search at TRIUMF - Jack Bangay (2008-2010)
Nuclear Structure of 110Cd Studied with Beta Decay of 110In and (n,n'gamma) Reaction - Katie Green (2007-2009)
Nuclear Structure of 112Cd Through Studies of Beta Decay - Greg Demand (2007-2009)
Development of a Novel Algorithm for Nuclear Level Scheme Determination - Kyle Leach (2006-2008)
High-Precision Measurement of the Superallowed Beta Decay Branching Ratio of 38mK - James Wong (2006-2008)
Design Study of DESCANT - DEuterated SCintillator Array for Neutron Tagging - Paul Finlay (2005-2007)
High-Precision Branching Ratio Measurement for the Superallowed Beta Emitter 62Ga - Bronwyn Hyland (2004-2005)
Precision Half-Life and Branching Ratio Measurements for the Superallowed Beta Emitter 62Ga - Andrew Phillips (2003-2005)
Diffusion and Transport of Radioactive 120Xe: Towards Rn Electric-Dipole Moment Measurements at ISAC - Michael Schumaker (2003-2005)
Measurements and Simulation-Based Optimization of TIGRESS HPGe Detector Array Performance - Gwen Grinyer (2002-2004)
High-Precision Measurements of 26Na Beta Decay
Undergraduate Research Students
- Zarin Ahmed (2020)
- Ryan Curry (2020)
- Gabe Dublin (2019)
- Jay Florica (2019)
- Alexis McKendry (2019)
- Sangeet-Pal Pannu (2019, 2020)
- Michael Stuck (2019)
- Paul Foley (2018)
- Nicholas van Heijst (2018)
- Bernard Ross (2018)
Pairing in neutron-star matter - Joel McBride (2018)
Neutrino scattering in accretion disks - Jeremiah van Benthem (2018)
Synthesis of elements in Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium - Kaitlin Williams (2018)
Equation of state for neutron stars - Nawar Ismail (2018)
Effective mass of neutron matter - Daniel Hortelano-Roig (2017)
GEANT4 Simulations of 34Ar Superallowed β Decay - Leah Carinci (2016)
Properties of γ-ray emitters for contrast agents in nuclear medicine. - Dylan Kisliuk (2016)
162Er(p,p') analysis. - Charlie Pham (2016)
Geant4 simulation for a silicon tracker at ISAC-II. - Blair Tokiwa (2016)
Large-scale shell model calculations. - Jordan Atchison (2015)
Equations of state for neutron stars. - Paula Boubel (2015)
Investigation of the 162Er(p,d) reaction. - William Dawkins (2015)
Path integral Monte Carlo calculations of thermodynamic properties. - Dylan Kisliuk (2015)
Study of the 164Er(p,t) reaction. - Erin McGee (2015)
124Cs decay log(ft) values. - Harris Bidaman (2014)
Construction of GRIFFIN and 122Xe calibration. - Gatjang Deng (2013-2014)
Construction of GRIFFIN and DESCANT, and 98Y decay study. - Dylan Kisliuk (2014)
Determination and Investigation of 0+ States in 162Er. - Christina Burbadge (2014)
Internal activity and geometry of LaBr3 detectors in Geant4. - Hillary Dawkins (2014)
2D strongly interacting gases. - Andrew Finlay (2013)
Nuclear structure of 160Er via the 162Er(p,t)160Er reaction. - Hillary Dawkins (2013)
Beta-feeding intensities in 110Cd. - Renato Pardo (2013)
Nuclear Shell Structure Evolution from the Beta Decay of 52,53K. - Andrew Tan (2013)
PACES efficiency and geometry. - Andrew Finlay (2012)
Studying 112Cd via 112In Beta decay. - Ellie Foden (2012)
Analysis of proton elastic scattering data on 162Er - Aaron Liblong (2012)
Modelling non-uniform electromagnetic fields in Geant4 - Carley Miki (2012)
Analysis of deuteron elastic scattering data on 154Fe - Andrew Finlay (2011)
DESCANT Neutron Detector Array - Jonathan Loranger (2010)
Precision Frequency Determinations for RnEDM - Alejandra Diaz Varela (2010)
Nuclear Level Structure of 112Cd - Drew Jamieson (2010)
Nuclear Structure of 112Cd Using (d,p) Reactions - Alejandra Diaz Varela (2009)
Nuclear Level Structure of 112Cd - Ryan Dunlop (2009)
Spectrometer for Internal Conversion Electrons (SPICE) - Drew Jamieson (2009)
Nuclear Structure of 112Cd using (d,p) Reactions - Brad Leufkens (2008)
Solution of Bessel Functions of Irrational Order - Ryan Massey (2008)
TIGRESS Experimental Preparations at TRIUMF-ISAC - Evan Rand (2008)
GEANT4 Design Simulations for the GRIFFIN Spectrometer - John Russel (2008)
GEANT4 Simulations of the 8pi Spectrometer Response - Greg Demand (2007)
Refinement of the 8pi sort code - Katie Green (2007)
IBM-2 calculations of the Cd isotopes - Mike Jarrett (2007)
High-Precision Lifetime Measurement of 26Na - Brent Millar (2007)
Construction of the TIGRESS spectrometer - Erin O'Sullivan (2007)
8pi Efficiency Curve - Greg Demand (2006)
Development of the 8pi sort code - Katie Green (2006)
Level scheme of 46Ti - Kyle Leach (2006)
Superallowed Fermi Beta Decay of 38mK - Paul Finlay (2005)
GEANT4 Simulations of the SCEPTAR Positron Array - Emilia Illes (2005)
Level Scheme of 46V - Kyle Leach (2005)
Search for Non-Analogue Fermi Beta Decay of 38mK - Reid Miller (2005)
Neutron detector simulations - James Wong (2005)
Pre-equilibrium studies and neutron detector simulations - Paul Finlay (2004)
Study of 28Na Beta Decay with the 8pi Spectrometer and SCEPTAR - Paul Finlay (2003)
Bremsstrahlung Suppression with the SCEPTAR Positron Array - Bronwyn Hyland (2003)
Statistical Bias in High-Precision Nuclear Lifetime Measurements - Andrew Phillips (2003)
Diffusion and Transport of Radioactive Noble Gases - Michael Schumaker (2003)
Gamma-Ray Position Reconstruction in the TIGRESS HPGe Clover Detectors - Paul Finlay (2002)
Efficiency Calibration of the SCEPTAR Positron Array - Alexandra Ivankovic (2002)
Bremsstrahlung Production from Energetic Positron and Electron Stopping - Michael Schumaker (2002)
GEANT4 Simulation of the TIGRESS Gamma-Ray Spectrometer - Andrew Phillips (2001)
High-Spin Rotational States in 71Br
Group Photos




