Nuclear Physics Group

Our research group uses the atomic nucleus as a laboratory for the investigation of a wide variety of fundamental physics topics, ranging from the microscopic description of collective excitation modes in finite quantum systems and the evolution of quantum shell structure in nuclei far from stability to precision tests of the electroweak Standard Model of particle physics and searches for the new physics beyond it. These studies are performed with state-of-the-art gamma-ray detector arrays such as the TRIUMF-ISAC Gamma-Ray Escape Suppressed Spectrometer (TIGRESS) and Gamma-Ray Infrastructure For Fundamental Investigations of Nuclei (GRIFFIN) located at the Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) facility at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada.
Name | Role | Supervision |
Liliana Caballero | Faculty | |
Paul Garrett | Faculty | |
Alex Gezerlis | Faculty | |
Carl Svensson | Faculty | |
Vinzenz Bildstein | Research Assistant | |
Konstantin Mashtakov | Postdoctoral Fellow | Carl Svensson |
Robin Coleman | PhD Candidate | Carl Svensson |
Jayani Dissanayake | PhD Candidate | Alex Gezerlis |
Beau Greaves | PhD Candidate | Carl Svensson |
Bryn Knight | PhD Candidate | Liliana Caballero |
Liam Schmidt | PhD Candidate | Carl Svensson |
Sally Valbuena | PhD Candidate | Paul Garrett |
Tammy Zidar | PhD Candidate | Carl Svensson |
Zarin Ahmed | PhD Candidate | Paul Garrett |
Ryan Curry | PhD Candidate | Alex Gezerlis |
Sangeet-Pal Pannu | PhD Candidate | Paul Garrett |
Funding Partners
Our research is supported by several national and provincial agencies.