Professor Emeritus, Jim Hunt's Curious Perspective hits the shelves!

1652 Treatise "La Perspective Curieuse"
Curious Perspective, a modern translation of a seventeenth century book by Jean-François Niceron about anamorphic art, has been published by ACMRS, the Arizona Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. The lead author, Jim Hunt, is a physics professor emeritus who enjoyed a distinguished career both for his molecular physics research and his award winning teaching efforts. He was awarded the university Medal of Merit close to retirement and then embarked on a second career in the arts which produced three displays on campus (Illusions I, II, and III) and one in downtown Kitchener. In addition he decided to translate from medieval French the seminal reference for creating and viewing scenes that have been deliberately distorted though he was not a French speaker. All of the mathematics contained in the volume was carefully confirmed or corrected and he also published several articles relating to the details of these calculations. The work was over a decade in preparation during which time Jim battled Parkinson’s disease and his accomplishment is all the more noteworthy as a consequence. Inquiries should be directed to his daughter and associate editor, Sylvia Hunt (
Curious Perspective will be made available at the McLaughlin Library.