News related to Publications
Nuclear Physics Group published in Physics in Medicine & Biology
Congrats to Devin Hymers, Eva Marie Kasanda, Vinzenz Bildstein, Joelle Easter, and Dennis Mücher on their article Intra- and inter-fraction relative range verification in heavy-ion therapy using filtered interaction vertex imaging being published in Physics in Medicine & Biology.
Guelph Alum and Emeritus Professor Published in X-Ray Spectometry
Physics: An Algebra-Based Approach, 2nd Edition is in print!
Dr. Joanne O'Meara and emeritus professor Ernie McFarland, along with S. Johnson, A. Hirsch and J. Iqbal have a new text book out: Physics: An Algebra-Based Approach, 2nd Edition.
From the publisher:
Professor Emeritus, Jim Hunt's Curious Perspective hits the shelves!

1652 Treatise "La Perspective Curieuse"
Prof. Robert Wickham and former student Russell Spencer's article selected as a 2016 Editors’ Choice article by the Journal of Chemical Physics
Congratulations to Professor Robert Wickham and former Ph.D student Russell Spencer whose article "Nucleation of the BCC phase from disorder in a diblock copolymer melt: Testing approximate theories through simulation" was selected as a 2016 Editors’ Choice article by the Journal of Chemical Physics.
Paper by Guelph's biophysicists featured in "New and Notable" section in latest issue of Biophysical Journal
The paper titled "In Situ Structural Studies of Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin in the E. coli Membrane" is being featured in the New and Notable section of Biophysical Journal, Volume 108, Issue 7. The authors from the Department of Physics include graduate students Meaghan E. Ward, Rachel Munro, and Emilty Ritz as well as previous postdoctoral fellow Shenlin Wang, along with Professors Leonid Brown and Vladimir Ladizhansky.