Postdoctoral fellow Irina Pradler and Ph.D student Glynis Perrett participate in "Women's Curiosity Day"

- Women's Curiosity Day
June 26, 2014 was "Women's Curiosity Day", at the Curiosity Rover - Mars Science Laboratory:
"June 26, 2014, is a special day, honoring the contributions of women on the mission team and providing career role models in science and engineering. On “Women’s Curiosity Day,” women gathered to fill a majority (75%) of all the rover-operation jobs. Approximately 100 people staffed operations that day. In general, it takes about 90 people to operate a Mars rover each day."
Two members of the Physics Department, Postdoctoral fellow Irina Pradler and Ph.D student Glynis Perrett, participated from the APXS Operations Center at the University of Guelph (as seen in action left).
Here is further information on the roles Irina and Glynis filled on June 26:
Irina Pradler: "Telling the Rover How to Use its Science Instruments"
Glynis Perrett: "Planning Curiosity's Science Work" (Under "Geology Science Theme Group - Instructions" section)