News related to Research News
Paul Garrett's research on shapeshifting nuclei is making waves
Investigations into the properties of cadium nuclei have yielded some exciting results!
Nature: Squashed nuclei undermine long-held doctrine of nuclear structure
American Physical Society: Nuclear Spectroscopy Reveals New Shapes of Excited Nuclei
Dennis Mücher receives largest CFI funding grant for research with cancer therapy applications
Dr. Dennis Mücher, received $186,000 for specialized equipment to study heavy elements.
Professor Liliana Caballero is one of 2017's Neutrino Question Winners - Neutrino Physics Center at Fermilab
The Neutrino Physics Center at Fermilab "serves to foster communication between experimentalists on different neutrino experiments, between experimentalists and theorists, and between theorists, within the international neutrino user community and from Fermilab". The Center periodically has a "Question of the Week" for the community, and announces the winning submission shortly after.
Professor Caballero submitted an answer to the question: "How would a neutron star merger, in our Galaxy, be seen in DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment)?"