Dimensional Analysis Quiz 5
See if you can determine the dimensions of "\(k\)" in each of the following (where \(x\) is a distance, \(R\) is a radius, \(h\) is Planck's constant with SI units of joules x second, \(f\) is frequency and \(T\) is absolute temperature):
- \(sin (kx)\)
- \(10^{kx}\)
- \(cot (kx^2/R)\)
- \(e^{hf/kT}-1\)
- dimensions of \(k = L^{-1}\)
- dimensions of \(k = L^{-1}\)
- dimensions of \(k = L^{-1}\)
- dimensions of \(k = M\cdot L^2\cdot T^{-2}\cdot \theta^{-1}\)
NOTE: In 4, \(k\) is the Boltzmann constant, which has a value of \(1.3 \times 10^{-23} J/K\).