Problem 14-83 Diffraction - B

A point source emits light of wavelength \(520\; nm\) toward a single slit of width \(0.085\; mm\). The light creates a diffraction pattern on a screen located \(2.2 \;m\) from the screen.

(a) What is the width of the central maximum?
(b) What angle do the first order fringes subtend with the slit?

[Ans. (a) \(2.7 \;cm\)   (b) \(0.70^\circ\)]

Accumulated Solution

Diagram B of the width of the central maximum.


Which equation applies to this problem?

(A)   \(\sin\theta = x/L = (N-½)\lambda/d \; \text{where N = 1, 2, 3...}\)

(B)   \(\sin\theta = x/L = N \lambda/w\; \text{ where N = 1, 2, 3...}\)