De-Tong Jiang

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Education and Employment Background
Dr. De-Tong Jiang received his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from Simon Fraser University in 1991. Between 1991 and 1994, he held a position as a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellow at Western University. He then worked as a Research Associate at Simon Fraser University, as a Beamline Scientist at Argonne National Lab in Chicago, and as an Adjunct Professor and Staff Scientist at the University of Saskatchewan. Jiang joined the Department of Physics at the University of Guelph in 2005 where he is now an Associate Professor.
Research Themes
Jiang’s research applies a multitude of synchrotron radiation-based techniques to probe the atomic/molecular structures for understanding the structure-function relationships and in some cases for acquiring the atomic/molecular level control of complex structures. Key areas of focus include:
- Growth and structural property studies of organic semiconductor films. Here, Jiang focuses on the polyacene semiconductor thin films. Three projects are underway: 1. In situ and ex situ carbon 1s polarization dependent NEXAFS studies on the tetracene and pentacene growth mechanisms on various solid substrates; 2. Gas phase NEXAFS of the polyaromatic molecules and theoretical simulation (StoBe code); 3. Ex situ grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) study on the thickness dependence of the expitaxial structures of tetracene on reduced silicon surfaces. The polyacene thin film NEXAFS and GIXD projects are in collaboration with Qin (U of G) group. Systems studied include tetracene and pentacene on H/Si(001) (wet chemistry method) and SiO2 substrates; and tetracene on flat and specific terraced H/Si(001) substrates. The polyacene gas phase project aims at developing a thorough understanding of the C 1s near edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy of these molecules for application as a structural tool in studying the polyacene semiconductor films.
- Structural properties of nickel silicide thin films. Jiang and his research group have been collaborating with Lavoie’s group (IBM, Yorktown Heights) to investigate the XANES and XAFS signatures of the industrial nickel silicide layers targeted for new generations of nanoscale electronic applications. Their method can identify the epitaxial phase of an interface region with thickness of 1-3 nm, where conventional diffraction methods have not been effective.
- Arsenic speciation in environmentally important systems. Arsenic speciation using XAFS endstation at CLS HXMA beamline has been carried out in collaboration with N. Chen (CLS), G. Demopoulos (McGill), and J. Rowson (AREVA Res., Canada), and S. Glasauer (Dept. of Land Resource Sci., U of Guelph). The researchers have systematically studied the pH, temperature, and aging time factors in the formation of scorodite phase under the geochemical conditions mimicking that at uranium mine tailing process facilities.
- Structural properties of materials under extreme conditions. The study of materials under extreme conditions involves diffraction and XAFS studies under high pressure environment generated with diamond anvil cells (DAC) (J. Tse/U of S, S. Desgreniers/U Ottawa, D. Klug/NRC, N. Chen and C.Y. Kim/CLS), aimed at the fundamental structural and electronic properties of materials under high pressure. A new research project is in progress which will invoke x-ray absorption spectroscopy studies on material electronic structures under high pressure.
Major funding, Awards, National or International Recognition, Prestigious affiliations, Memberships on editorial boards or societies
- NSERC Discovery Grant, 2009, 2014
- NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Grant, 2011-2013
- Brockhouse Beam Team, 2006-2017
- HXMA Beam Time Committee Member, Saskatchewan, 2000-2017
Ethylenediamine-Enabled Sustainable Sythesis of Mesoporous Nanostructured Li2Fe(II)SiO4 Particles from Fe(III) Aqueous Solution for Li-Ion Battery Application Wei, H.; Lu, X.; Chiu, H-C.; Wei, B.; Gauvin, R.; Arthur, Z.; Emond, V.; Jiang, D-T.; Zaghib, K.; Demopoulos, G.P., ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, 2018
In Operando XANES & XRD Investigation into the Rate-Dependent Transport Properties of Lithium Iron Silicate Cathodes, Arthur, Z.; Chiu, H-C.; Lu, X.; Chen, N.; Emond, V.; Demopoulos, G.P.; Jiang, D-T., MRS ADVANCES, 2017
Density functional theory insights into the structural stability and Li diffusion properties of monoclinic and othorhombic Li2FeSiO4 cathodes Lu, X.; Chiu, H-C.; Bevan, K. H.; Jiang, D-T.; Zaghib, K.; Demopoulos, G.P., JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2016
Li-ion storage dynamics in metstable nanostructured Li2FeSiO4 cathode: Antisite-induced phase transition and lattice oxygen participation Lu, X.; Chiu, H-C.; Arthur, Z.; Zhou, J.; Wang, J.; Chen, N.; Jiang, D-T.; Zaghib, K.; Demopoulos, G.P., JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2016
Spontaneous reaction between an uncharged lithium iron silicate cathode and a LiPF6-based electrolyte, Arthur, Z.; Chiu, H.-C.; Lu, X.; Chen, N.; Emond, V.; Zaghib, K.; Jiang, D.-T.; Demopoulos, G. P., CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2015
Thickness-dependent mobility in tetracene thin-film field-effect-transistors, Shi, J.; Jiang, D.-T.; Dutcher, J. R.; Qin, X.-R., JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 2015
In situ XANES & XRD Study of interphasial reaction between uncharged Li2FeSiO4 cathode and LiPF6-based electrolyte, Arthur, Z.; Chiu, H.-C.; Lu, X.; Chen, N.; Emond, V.; Demopoulos, G.; Jiang, D.-T., 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE (XAFS16), 2015 (In Press)
Spectroscopic Evidence of Uranium Immobilization in Acidic Wetlands by Natural Organic Matter and Plant Roots, Li, Dien; Kaplan, Daniel I.; Chang, Hyun-Shik; Seaman, John C.; Jaffe, Peter R.; van Groos, Paul Koster; Scheckel, Kirk G.; Segre, Carlo U.; Chen, Ning; Jiang, De-Tong; Newville, Matthew; Lanzirotti, Antonio, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2015
Retention and chemical speciation of uranium in an oxidized wetland sediment from the Savannah River Site, Li, Dien; Seaman, John C.; Chang, Hyun-Shik; Jaffe, Peter R.; van Groos, Paul Koster; Jiang, De-Tong; Chen, Ning; Lin, Jinru; Arthur, Zachary; Pan, Yuanming; Scheckel, Kirk G.; Newville, Matthew; Lanzirotti, Antonio; Kaplan, Daniel I., JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, 2014
XAFS Study of Arsenical Nickel Hydroxidei, Chen, N.; Kim, E.; Arthur, Z.; Daenzer, R.; Warner, J.; Demopoulos, G. P.; Joly, Y.; Jiang, D. T., 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE (XAFS15), 2013
Multiple Scattering Debye-Waller Factors for Arsenate, Kim, E.; Chen, N.; Arthur, Z.; Warner, J.; Demopoulos, G. P.; Rowson, J. W.; Jiang, D. T., 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE (XAFS15), 2013
Reciprocal-space mapping of lateral single-crystal domains with grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction for tetracene on H/Si(001), Tersigni, A.; Qin, X. R.; Kim, C-Y; Gordon, R. A.; Jiang, D. T., PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2011
High energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of lead oxide silicate glasses at the Canadian light sourcei, Tse, J. S.; Wang, X. D.; Jiang, D. T.; Chen, N.; Jiang, J. Z., NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 2011
Structural characterization of poorly-crystalline scorodite, iron(III)-arsenate co-precipitates and uranium mill neutralized raffinate solids using X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, Chen, N.; Jiang, D. T.; Cutler, J.; Kotzer, T.; Jia, Y. F.; Demopoulos, G. P.; Rowson, J. W., GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 2009
EXAFS characterization of poorly crystalline ferric arsenate undergoing transformation to scorodite, Chen, N.; Le Berre, J. F.; Warner, J. A.; Cutler, J. N.; Jiang, D. T.; Rowson, J. W.; Demopoulos, G. P., GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 2008
Structural phase transition in CaH2 at high pressures, Tse, J. S.; Klug, D. D.; Desgreniers, S.; Smith, J. S.; Flacau, R.; Liu, Z.; Hu, J.; Chen, N.; Jiang, D. T., PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2007
Wiggler-base hard x-ray spectroscopy beamline at CLS, Jiang, D. T.; Chen, N.; Sheng, W., SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION, PTS 1 AND 2, 2007
Front end x-ray beam position monitors at the CLS, Smith, S.; Shu, D.; Bergstrom, J.; Jiang, D. T., SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION, PTS 1 AND 2, 2007
Canadian Light Source front ends development, Jiang, D. T.; Shu, D.; Sheng, W., SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION, PTS 1 AND 2, 2007
XAFS of synthetic Iron(III)-Arsenate co-precipitates and uranium mill neutralized raffinate, Chen, N.; Jiang, D. T.; Cutler, J.; Demopoulos, G. P.; Rowson, J. W., 13TH INTERNATION CONFERENCE ON X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE (XAFS13), 2007
Characteristics of the MBE1 end-station at PNC/XOR, Gordon, R. A.; Crozier, E. D.; Jiang, D.-T.; Shoults, J.; Barg, B.; Budnik, P. S., 13TH INTERNATION CONFERENCE ON X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE (XAFS13), 2007
XAFS at the Canadian light source, Jiang, D. T.; Chen, N.; Zhang, L.; Malgorzata, K.; Wright, G.; Igarashi, R.; Beauregard, D.; Kirkham, M.; McKibben, M., 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON X-RAY ABSORPTION FINE STRUCTURE (XAFS13), 2007
Structure of tetracene films on hydrogen-passivated Si(001) studied via STM, AFM, and NEXAFS, Tersigni, A.; Shi, J.; Jiang, D. T.; Qin, X. R., PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2006
Compton scattering of elemental silicon at high pressure, Tse, JS; Klug, DD; Jiang, DT; Sternemann, C; Volmer, M; Huotari, S; Hiraoka, N; Honkimaki, V; Hamalainen, K, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2005
In situ XAFS study of Fe epitaxially grown by MBE on GaAs(001)-4x6, Gordon, RA; Crozier, ED; Jiang, DT; Budnik, PS; Monchesky, TL; Heinrich, B, SURFACE SCIENCE, 2005
Evolution of an iron film on GaAs(001)-4x6, Gordon, R. A.; Budnik, P. S.; Jiang, D. T.; Crozier, E. D., PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2005
The nature of arsenic in uranium mill tailings by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Cutler, JN; Chen, N; Jiang, DT; Demopoulos, GP; Jia, Y; Rowson, JW, JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV, 2003
Mineralogical characterization of arsenic in uranium mine tailings precipitated from iron-rich hydrometallurgical solutions, Moldovan, BJ; Jiang, DT; Hendry, MJ, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2003
Name | Role |
Cameron McGuire | PhD Candidate |
- Zach Arthur, PhD
- Andrew Sacchetti, MSc
- Vincent Emond, MSc
Vincent finished his Master's degree in May 2018, with a focus on the technical aspects of acquiring high resolution X-ray diffraction data at Synchrotron facilities. Ths project is an extension of the Lithium Metal Silicates research being performed in collaboration with the McGill, HyrdoMET research group - Edward Kim
Eddie is currently a PhD student in the Olivetti Group at the Dept. Of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. He works on applied machine learning and natural language processing algorithms, with a focus on data mining from scientific literature. His current project focuses on constructing an automated computational pipeline that intelligently extracts data from materials science journal articles in order to construct a comprehensive database of materials synthesis techniques and protocols. - Stephen Glazier, PhD
Stephen’s USRA work with the Jiang group during his undergraduate physics degree investigated the cation distribution in manganese spinels. This research experience led to him working with the Jeff Dahn research group at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He completed his MSc developing novel electrode materials for lithium ion batteries, and investigated high voltage battery and electrolyte performance for his PhD. He was awarded an NSERC CGS-M during his masters and an NSERC PGS-D for his PhD studies.