
Kevin Miller wins the CLS AUM Best Poster Prize

At the Annual Users' Meeting of the Canadian Light Source (CLS) held at Saskatoon SK last week (June 17th-18th), Kevin Miller (MSc student) from our department entered the competition for the best student poster sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Synchrotron Radiation (CISR) and won the first prize ($500) with a poster titled \"XAFS of Nickel Silicide Thin Films\".

Professor Ernie McFarland to be awarded the JOHN BELL AWARD for 2009

CONGRATULATIONS to Professor Ernie McFarland who will be awarded the John Bell Award for 2009 during the convocation week June 8 - 11, 2009. The John Bell Award recognizes demonstrated outstanding educational leadership while a the University of Guelph. The award is made in honour of Professor John Bell who served the University with distinction from 1972 to 1987.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Singing physics professor to release a new album bringing together her two loves of music and astronomy.

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