Celebration for CEPS Award Winners
Our Graduate Students and Summer Research Assistants arranged a celebration in honour of Christian Schultz-Nielsen and Mike Massa the receipt of their CEPS Awards.
Our Graduate Students and Summer Research Assistants arranged a celebration in honour of Christian Schultz-Nielsen and Mike Massa the receipt of their CEPS Awards.
At the annual CEPS AGM Mike Massa and Christian Schultz-Nielsen were recognized for their service.
Mike Massa (Left) with Richard Zytner (Right) receiving the CEPS Faculty Award: Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award is given once annually to the CEPS faculty member who best exemplifies sustained excellence in undergraduate teaching.
This year, Residence Life ran a Professors Recognition program and asked students to highlight a professor who had a positive impact on their year. The students wanted to take a moment to recognize James Howard for his PHYS*1080 & PHYS*1070 courses.
Congratulations Orbax on being awarded The Patrick Whippey Award for Science Outreach (2020/2021)!
Congratulations to James Howard and Jason 'The Great Orbax' Thomas on their nominations for Favourite Fall Professor from Student Housing Services!
Check back when the votes are in.
Near the end of the each semester in his Classical Mythology (CLAS*2000) class, Professor John Walsh asks his students to nominate people on campus who have made a difference in their lives. He honours these 'legends' with a celebration in class; including prizes, photo ops and lots of cheering.
Joanne O’Meara consistently receives accolades from her students for her enthusiasm and passion for teaching, and for her ability to make physics accessible and engaging. Her pioneering work in using active-learning techniques in her classes and her willingness to explore and share new teaching ideas have revolutionized the teaching of Physics at Guelph and across Canada.
This past fall, University of Guelph Student Housing Services invited students residing in residence halls across campus (over 4500 students) to nominate their favourite Fall Semester professors.
Josh Mogyoros was nominated by a significant number of students and is a recipient of Fall 2018's "Residence Students' Favourite Fall Professor" distinction for positively impacting the academic experience at Guelph. Asked why they nominated Mr. Mogyoros as their favourite professor, one student wrote: