News related to Awards

Congratulations to the Phys Phest 2018 Winners!

Thanks to all students who participated in our annual PhsPhest event. It was a great day!

Best Ph.D. Talk

  • Hurmiz Shamana, "Unusual Polysaccharide Rheology of Aqueous Dispersions of Soft Phytoglycogen Nanoparticles"

Best M.Sc. Talks

Nanoscience Student Sara Matthews to be Awarded CEPS Graduation Prize

Congratulations to Sara Matthews on being selected to receive the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Graduation Prize! The prize is awarded to the student graduating with the highest cumulative average from an Honours Program in CEPS. Along with the prize, Sara will be recognized in the college awards display in the Summerlee Science Complex.

Graduate Student Eamonn Corrigan Wins 3rd Place at the University of Guelph 3MT Competition

Congratulations to Eamonn Corrigan on winning third place at the University of Guelph's 3 Minute Thesis competition! Eamonn presented his three minute talk on "Tidal Interactions in Compact Binaries Probing the Fundamental Nature of Gravity". To reach the university-wide finals, Eamonn placed 1st at the College of Engineering and Physical Science competition.

Physics Students Kristine Keon and Justin Medeiros Win Awards at Student Life Awards Night

Every year Student Life honours the "achievements and contributions of campus and community leaders who have made a lasting difference in the lives of our students and in the strong relationship that is fostered between the campus and greater community". This year, physics students Kristine Keon and Justin Medeiros were recognized for their efforts in these areas at the Student Life Awards night which took place on March 21st, 2018.

Professor Liliana Caballero is one of 2017's Neutrino Question Winners - Neutrino Physics Center at Fermilab

The Neutrino Physics Center at Fermilab "serves to foster communication between experimentalists on different neutrino experiments, between experimentalists and theorists, and between theorists, within the international neutrino user community and from Fermilab". The Center periodically has a "Question of the Week" for the community, and announces the winning submission shortly after.

Professor Caballero submitted an answer to the question: "How would a neutron star merger, in our Galaxy, be seen in DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment)?"

Phys Phest 2017 Results

PhysPhest is a celebration of the research being conducted in the Physics Department by M.Sc. and Ph.D. students who are completing their first year in the program. This year, PhysPhest was held on September 6th with 10 students presenting their research to the department in a series of short (~ 10 - 12 minute) talks. The best speakers were selected by the general audience.

The top speakers for 2017 are:

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