Past Events

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Graduate Seminar Series - Calcium?

Speaker Robin Coleman Abstract What is calcium? Who is calcium? How... do we investigate evolution of the nuclear shell model in the context of neutron-rich calcium isotopes? Why is this abstract all written in the form of a question? Will you come to SSC1305 at 1pm to find out?

Check us out at the CUPC Grad Fair

The Fair will be split into two sections with a break for lunch in between, where the morning session (11:00am-1:00pm EDT) is for CUPC 2023 delegates, and the afternoon session (2:30pm-5:30pm EDT) is specifically reserved for students who are not conference delegates but still want to take advantage of the Fair. 

Grad Seminar Series - The Three-Body Problem

Speaker Stephanie Ciccone   Abstract The classical Newtonian three-body gravitational problem was the subject of many investigations by the best minds of the 18th and 19th centuries. Interest in this problem has undergone a revival in recent decades when it was realized that the evolution of star clusters and the nuclei of active

A Window on TRIUMF

Presenter Dr. Nigel Smith Executive Director of TRIUMF Canada's National Particle Accelerator Centre

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