Past Events

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Guelph Physics Livestream: Physics & the Cosmos

The Guelph Physics live stream continues its summer series Tuesday July 20th at 7:00 pm EDT with a discussion about Physics and the Cosmos!  Our guest is Guelph Physics Assistant Professor and Associate Faculty at the Perimeter Institute, Dr. Daniel Siegel. 

Physics 125 (+1)  Alumni Celebration

Join us as we celebrate 125 years (+1) of the Department of Physics at the University of Guelph.  Our event will feature invited speakers, showcase our history, recognize some of our incredible achievements, and provide an opportunity for alumni to socialize with faculty, staff, students, and each other. 

Guelph Physics Livestream: Battery Science

The Guelph Physics live stream debuts its summer series Tuesday June 8th at 7:00 pm EDT with a discussion about the science (and in particular the physics) behind batteries!  Our panel is comprised of two Guelph Physics alumni working in the field of battery research.

Immigration Update for International Students

This webinar will bring our immigration team, quarantine program managers and housing staff together to answer incoming international student's questions. We aim to provide the most up to date information about the Fall 2021 semester and what to expect as an incoming international student. 

Study Break with Guinness World Records - Livestream

Orbax and Pepper do Science are joining forces with Guinness World Records for the next Guelph Physics live stream!  Join us Tuesday April 13thth at 7:00 pm EST for our exam stress break spectacular! 

Physics Awards Night

This year the Physics Awards Celebration will take place virtually with, trivia, awards and more!  If you have not received an email with Zoom instructions and would like to attend please contact Kiley at

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