Accepting Applications for Undergraduate Research Assistant Vacancies – Summer 2021
Date and Time
NSERC USRA Vacancies - Due Feb. 22, 2021
The Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) program is meant to nurture your interest and fully develop your potential for a research career in the natural sciences and engineering. These awards are also meant to encourage you to undertake graduate studies in these fields. If you would like to gain research work experience that complements your studies in an academic setting, this program can provide you with financial support through your host university. NSERC encourages qualified Indigenous students to apply for these awards.
For details on the application procedures, eligibility, see the following: Please read this section carefully before making your application to ensure that all required materials are submitted.
The following are the vacancies in the Department of Physics. Details and the application portal can be accessed at:
- 85429: Radial stability of stars in Newtonian gravity and general relativity – Dr. Eric Poisson
- 85427: Expression and isotope-labeling of membrane proteins for spectroscopic studies – Dr. Leonid Brown
- 85425: Interfacing and commissioning a large-area x-ray diffractor detector – Dr. Stefan Kycia
- 85423: Analysis of data from the GRIFFIN spectrometer – Dr. Paul Garrett
- 85421: Microscopic Simulations of Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems – Dr. Alexandros Gezerlis
URA Vacancies - Due Feb. 22, 2021
The Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) program is a competitive program that provides summer research opportunities to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need.
For details on the application procedures, eligibility, see the following :
The following are the vacancies in the Department of Physics. Details and the application portal can be accessed at:
Please read this section carefully before making your application to ensure that all required materials are submitted.
- 85008: Analysis of Python Coding Project data for Undergraduate Physics Majors – Dr. Mike Massa
- 84987: Analysis of data from the GRIFFIN spectrometer – Dr. Paul Garrett
- 84981: Binding of bioactive molecules to PhytoSpherix nanoparticles – Dr. John Dutcher
- 84986: Infrared microscopy studies of accelerated aging of cross-linked polyethylene pipe – Dr. John Dutcher
DSRA - Due Feb. 22, 2021
Departmental Undergraduate Student Research Award - These positions are meant to nurture your interest and fully develop your potential for a research career in the natural sciences and engineering and are jointly supported by the Department and the supervisor.
The following are the vacancies in the Department of Physics. Details and the application portal can be accessed at:
- 85609: Analysis of data from the GRIFFIN spectrometer – Dr. Paul Garrett
- 85607: Course development Support in First-Year Physics – Dr. Mike Massa
- 85603: Interactions of alpha-synuclein with lipid membranes and their role in Parkinson’s Disease – Dr. Vladimir Ladizhansky
- 85605: Physics Department Outreach Materials – Dr. Joanne O’Meara, Dr. Dennis Muecher
- 85815: Implementing kilonova models for neutron-star merger simulations – Dr. Daniel Siegel
IMPORTANT: You can apply to as many positions as you would like. HOWEVER, please follow up with an email to listing the positions you have applied to, in order of preference.