Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics with Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Star Coalescences
Date and Time
Summerlee Science Complex, Room 1511
Dr. Katerina Chatziioanou, Post Doctoral Fellow, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Toronto
Gravitational waves from the coalescence of two neutron stars were detected for the first time in August. The detection of both gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from a single astrophysical source showcased the uniqueness and importance of these systems as probes of astrophysics, nuclear physics, and fundamental theory. In this talk I will describe the properties of the gravitational wave signal emitted when two neutron stars merge and what we can learn from each stage of the coalescence. I will argue that in order to efficiently characterize these complicated systems we need to combine knowledge of astrophysics, nuclear physics, general relativity, and data analysis; I will discuss three relevant examples. Finally, I will discuss my future plans for improvements in the analysis and understanding of neutron star coalescences.