The Fundamentals of Aeronautics: From Kitty Hawk to Cape Canaveral
Date and Time
MacN 415
Scott VanBommel, PhD Candidate
Since 1903, flight has become increasingly synonymous with life in the developed world. This talk will focus on the fundamentals of flight that have persisted since its birth including the underlying physics. We will discuss various innovations and advancements made over the years that have improved flight at the private, commercial, and military levels. Specific focus will be given to the key design features of aircraft that promote stability, safety, and efficiency while also looking at specific scenarios where airplane design and pilot skill are showcased. We will wrap with a brief discussion on some considerations for flight above the troposphere, specifically applicable to the (now retired) Space Shuttle as well as other manned and unmanned spacecraft.
Further Details
The talk is from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Snacks will be provided at 12:00 pm. Make sure to follow the Graduate Seminar Series on Facebook(External Link).